.. _install: Install Guide ============= Anaconda install ---------------- The easiest way to install ProxImaL and its dependencies is using `Anaconda`_. To install ProxImaL without `Anaconda`_, see the section on installation from source. 1. Install `Anaconda`_. Install all Python dependencies by running :: conda install numpy scipy pil pip opencv 2. (Optional) Install `Halide`_ and define the ``HALIDE_PATH`` environment variable to point to the installation. Also, add the `Halide`_ binary to your ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` for Linux or ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` for Mac OS X. 3. Install ``proximal`` with ``pip`` from the command-line. :: pip install proximal 4. (Optional) Test the installation with ``nose``. The tests require that you have `CVXPY`_ installed. :: conda install nose nosetests proximal Install from source ------------------- ProxImaL has the following dependencies: * Python 2.7 * `setuptools`_ >= 1.4 * `NumPy`_ >= 1.10 * `SciPy`_ >= 0.15 * `PIL`_ * `cv2`_ `Halide`_ installation is optional, but necessary for the best performance. To test the ProxImaL installation, you additionally need `Nose`_ and `CVXPY`_. Once you've installed the dependencies, installing ProxImaL from source is simple: 1. Clone the `ProxImaL git repository `_. 2. Navigate to the top-level of the cloned directory and run :: python setup.py install .. _Anaconda: https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/ .. _website: https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/ .. _setuptools: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools .. _multiprocess: https://github.com/uqfoundation/multiprocess/ .. _NumPy: http://www.numpy.org/ .. _SciPy: http://www.scipy.org/ .. _Nose: http://nose.readthedocs.org .. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ .. _cv2: http://opencv.org/ .. _Halide: http://halide-lang.org/ .. _CVXPY: http://www.cvxpy.org/